EDULEARN23 will be the 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies and will be held in Palma (Spain) on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of July, 2023. EDULEARN has been running for 15 years and is a renowned global educational conference which allows lecturers, researchers, technologists, and professionals from the educational sector to share their expertise about…
44th annual conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) from 5-8 July 2023
The conference theme, School psychology in a changing world: Challenges to promote the well-being of school communities, is related to the ISPA’s mission to pursue the best interest of children and youth, educators, parents, institutions, communities, and the profession. The world COVID-19 pandemic is one the main challenges the world has faced and is still having expansive…
L’Istituto Walden di Roma, in collaborazione con AIP-Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, al fine di onorare il contributo di Orazio Miglino alla psicologia contemporanea e di promuovere lo sviluppo della ricerca, in particolare in relazione ai temi di cui Miglino si è occupato durante la sua carriera, bandisce per l’anno 2022 un premio di € 1.000,00 da assegnare ad un giovane…
ICERI2022 (15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies)
ICERI2022 (15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)November, 7th-9th, 2022Seville, SpainWebsite: Deadline for abstracts submission is July, 14th, 2022 (included)Abstracts should be submitted on-line at OVERVIEWYou are invited to participate at ICERI2022 (15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) that will be held on the 7th, 8th and 9th of November…
Third Workshop of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments for Blended Education
The Technology Enhanced Learning Environment for Blended Education (teleXbe) engages researchers, practitioners, educational developers, entrepreneurs to address current challenges and advances in the field. Over the past decades, digital technologies have had a massive and pervasive impact on our life at different levels, i.e., leisure time, work, health, and learning. In this scenario, the field…